Do I Need A Countdown Timer To Drive Passive Income?

I get a lot of people asking me if countdown timers ⏰⏱⏳ are needed to drive passive income…

And it's a NO from me...

I’ve seen so many business owners going down the route of using countdown timers, and complex webinar hosting systems.

And sure…they work.

BUT… to me it all feels a bit… gross. 🤢

And you - soulful business owner, are in the business of building and nurturing an audience who want to hear from you, and buy from you for years to come - not just in the next 72 hours...

The countdown timers and the ‘on demand’ webinars that make you pick a time to watch it ‘live’… when it’s actually recorded (which frankly is an insult to your intelligence).

... It’s all about using false scarcity to pressure people into buying.

And to me that’s unethical. Because it’s fake! 🥸

If you sign up to the same webinar a couple of days later from a separate email account, or if you clear your cookies - you’d reset those countdown timers. 💡

Unlike a live launch, an evergreen countdown timer has a false deadline.

It’s not real, and therefore it’s only purpose is to pressure people into buying. ⏰

Sure, we all love a deadline. Us humans are verrrry motivated by that last minute panic.

But if you’re only relying on the scarcity element to sell your stuff, something ain’t right.

You DON'T need countdown timers, false scarcity or shady tactics to drive passive income.🙅

Here’s what you need INSTEAD...

Bloody good emails. 💌

Yup. That means getting comfortable with writing and sending emails that y’know, sell.

You don’t need countdown timers *when* you have killer emails in your sales funnel.

None of my done-for-you clients use countdown timers or false scarcity in their sales funnels - because they're all about feel-good sales and value-led selling.

And they’re driving passive income 💸 at over the industry average conversion rate… because of their emails. Because they are communicating…

  • ✨ How great their offer is and how it will help their people

  • ✨ The results their clients get from their offer - with case studies and testimonials to prove it

  • ✨ That they totally understand where their people are and demonstrate how they can help them overcome their challenge and reach their goals

And let me tell you this… a funnel without countdown timers and fancy webinar software makes it a whole load more simple and cost effective to build.

So let’s ditch the countdown timers shall we? And replace them with... really good emails?


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Do I need a COUNTDOWN TIMER to drive passive income - Creating ‘scarcity’ with evergreen courses & products - Josephine Brooks

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