Promoting Your Blog Posts & Getting more views

Getting eyeballs on your blog posts and more traffic to your website

Dear Josephine,

I'm blogging the old fashioned way, with business related and life updates multiple times a week.

I want to get more eyes on my blog posts.

Should I set up a seperate newsletter for followers who would like to get a notification of my new posts. Should I send them the whole article or only the extract with a button to go on the blog to read the whole thing? What are my options?

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Dear more-eyes-on-my-blog-posts,

Blog posts take work, right? So you don't want to be doing all that for most of the people in your audience NOT to see them. 😩

That's when you start resenting the content creation 🐹 hamster wheel.

You're blogging multiple times a week - I'm impressed! πŸ†

Understandably, for all of that input...

...and for your content to do its job of ATTRACTING new people, NURTURING your audience and driving SALES... πŸ’Έ

you want more πŸ‘€ EYEBALLS πŸ‘€ on your posts.

I can see opportunities here for your blog content to be working sooo much harder for you.

Even harder than they would be if you were to just set up a seperate newsletter for them - substack style.

Let's look at your options...

ATTRACTING new people to your content

The beauty of blogging is that it does several jobs.

To recap. Your marketing strategy as a whole is simply doing the job of taking your ideal clients along the journey of...

  • πŸ‘€ DISCOVER - discovering your brand and KNOWING it's for them

  • 🀎 NURTURE - helping your audience get to know, like and trust you

  • πŸ’Έ SELL - drive sales

Blogging can do all of these things. But it does an especially great job with the DISCOVER and NURTURE parts.

So as well as focussing on getting as many of your current audience reading your posts, you want new people reading your posts too.

How do you do that?

SEO! πŸ€“

So your ideal clients can be discovering your posts via Google search.

Some simple ways to give your blog posts an SEO boost: πŸš€

  • πŸ§‘β€πŸ’» Spend a couple of minutes doing keyword research for your post. Type a few related search terms to your blog post topic into Google and see what comes up in the suggested searches and result. That can give you some ideas of the kind of keywords you need to be weaving naturally into your blog content. Pick 4/5 keywords for your post.

  • πŸ§‘β€πŸ’» Weave your target keywords into the title of your blog post

  • πŸ§‘β€πŸ’» Include your target keywords in the URL for your post

  • πŸ§‘β€πŸ’» Use your headings (H2, H3) as subheadings throughout your blog post - be sure to include your target keywords.

  • πŸ§‘β€πŸ’» Compress and name your images before you upload them to your blog.

  • πŸ§‘β€πŸ’» Read my post on 5 tips for SEO friendly blog posts for a deeper dive.

If you can get into the habit of doing those things πŸ‘† or even just a couple of those things, it will help to get your blog posts discovered via google.

And that = more eyeballs on your blog posts PLUS audience building.

✨ ESPECIALLY when each of your blog posts has a prompt to join your mailing list.

Getting your CURRENT AUDIENCE'S eyeballs on your blog content

You mentioned the possibility of setting up a seperate newsletter feed for people who want to get a notification of your new blog posts.

But I would personally flip this around.

This is about saving you time and making your content work harder for you. πŸ’ͺ

What if you were to share your blog posts FIRST as newsletters, and THEN make them into blog posts. πŸ’‘

You share the whole post as an email and schedule the same content to go live on your blog a couple of weeks later (so your subscribers are ALWAYS getting your content first and in the most convenient way - delivered straight to their inbox).

Oh and on each blog post you can have a mailing list sign up area. πŸ’Œ

It could say something like 'this appeared first as a newsletter - join my list to get exclusive access to XYZ and [any free resources you share here too]'.

That's a verrrry simple option to help you create newsletter and blog content.

Aaaand build your subscribers via your blog posts when new people find them.

With this approach, your current audience have the convenience and ease of reading your content in their inbox. And it's also working for you on the blog with an SEO, audience-attracting job.

Oh and I mentioned how blog posts can do a sales job too... πŸ’°

Make sure each of your posts has links and a call to action to your most relevant offers.

Making your blog content go FURTHER

You're doing a lot to create content for your blog, I'd love you to make it go further and work harder for you by repurposing it. ♻️

Yup, I’m talkin’ about REPURPOSING your marketing content.

What I've shared above (the newsletter -> blog approach) is one way of doing it.

But there are other simple ways to make your content work harder for you.

  • πŸŽ™ You could audio-record your posts and share them as a podcast.

  • πŸ“± Your could turn them into an Instagram carousel (for example this email can be put on my blog later down the line and turned into an IG post on 3-ways to get your blog posts in front of more people).

  • πŸ“Ή You could talk about the same topic in an Instagram live or YouTube video

I feel like you're working so hard to create this blog content.

I mean, multiple times a week - WOWZA.

It's time to get it working hard for you in return. 🀎


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