Sure, Do What You Love… But Also Make Sure You Have These Systems

You started your business to do what you love, right? 

Buuuut all too often I see people take ‘do what you love’ to mean…. 

  • 🤎 Do what you love 24/7.

  • 🤎 Don’t take a break from it (because you love it, so why would you?)

  • 🤎 Show up and talk about it, be excited about it every damn day. 

Because when you do what you love you’ll never have to work a day in your life… riiiiiight? 


Josephine Brooks - Passive Income with Integrity and sales funnels Expert

Even when you love your work… when you’re doing nothing but thinking about it, doing it, stressing about it 24/7 🤯 that’s when you burnout.

  • That’s when you get sick of the Instagram hamster wheel (and your followers can feel it 🤦‍♀️) 

  • That’s when you can’t force yourself to do one. More. launch. 😫 One. More. Post. 

  • That’s when you fall out of love with what you’re doing. (I know because it happened for me). 

So sure, do what you love… but also…

Set up systems that enable you to:

  • 🏖 take a freaking break

  • 📱 take a day or two off the gram

  • 📆 skip a launch if you don’t have the energy (but still drive the income on evergreen).

Here's my hot take...

If you love what you do ❤️‍🔥 you neeeeed automated systems and passive income, so you're NOT always having to exchange your time and energy for sales. 😅

  • 👉 That's when you keep the spark ALIVE for what you do. 

  • 👉 And continue to deliver you best work. 

  • 👉  AND continue to LOVE it. 💕

What if, in 6-week's time your sales funnel was fired up and you were driving passive income 💭

What would that mean you could do this summer to recharge your creative batteries? 🔋

That's how it works inside my course, PASSIVE POWERHOUSE

In 6-weeks you have a fired-up sales funnel and a flow of passive income coming through.

Wanna DIY it with my support? Hold that thought 😆 I'm working on the self-led version of my funnels course.


This post was first shared with my email community. Subscribe below to


Where I share what’s working (and what’s not 🤦) to power up your passive income ~ delivered to your inbox every week.


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Sure, do what you love… BUT ALSO make sure you have THESE passive income systems - Josephine Brooks

Let’s Change The Language Around Passive Income


Creating Passive Income is Feminism At Work 💪