The Automated, Freedom Friendly Marketing Approach 

 Because the social media hamster wheel will only get you so far…

Does your business look like A or B? 

Business A: Most of your marketing minutes are spent creating content for Instagram - which drives a lot of your sales, along with launching. It works, but it’s kinda *exhausting*.

Business B: You leave a lot of your marketing & sales to your automated systems and funnels, leaving you to focus on creating content that feels fun, and serves your audience for months and years to come. You post on social media and you launch once or twice a year - but it’s not your *everything*. 

My business used to look like business A… Here’s how I turned it into business B.

Back when I had business A…

I had dutifully followed the mainstream marketing advice, and the examples of others…

buuut I became tied to a cycle of exhausting launches, spending my life-minutes on Instagram - running on a hamster wheel to churn out throw-away content and offering all-of-the products & services. 

I had got so busy running my business that I didn’t have time to actually live the lifestyle I set it up for. Sound familiar?

Three years of this cycle eventually led to hitting the burnout wall… HARD.  I couldn’t force myself to do a one-more-launch, or one-more-social-media-post.

I learned the hard way that getting stuck in the launch cycle & relying on Instagram for sales (hello eye-watering screen time) was not the way to the freedom filled business and lifestyle I had dreamed of. 

It was instead… a one-way ticket to burnout. *womp womp*

 Wading through the treacle that is burnout, led me to develop my Freedom Friendly Marketing approach → building value-driven sales funnels, and implementing sustainable marketing strategies to feed them!

That’s what I implement for my myself, my done-for-you clients and…

*SPOILER ALERT* I want you to have Freedom Friendly Marketing too!

If you’re thinking… SHOOT! I’m ‘business A’ - read on fellow business owner-on-the-brink-of-burnout! 

It’s time for you to adopt a more sustainable marketing strategy that’s going to make your marketing so much more EASEFUL. 

Before we get into solutions…

Here’s the problem with being ‘business A’.

With ‘business A’ you’re tied to showing up on social media every day to share your content - grid posts, reels, stories, lives - and engage with your audience.  

But social media is like running on a hamster wheel. You’ve always got to be there, running on that hamster wheel to make things happen - follows, sign ups, clicks, sales. 

If you love being on the Instagram hamster wheel, showing up every day, talking to camera, chatting with your people, creating content, being spontaneous – fill your boots! Absolutely do it!

But even if you do love being on IG, you can’t rely on social media alone…

Why? OK… where do I start - I have a lot to say on why marketing without relying on social media is a good call… but to give you a whistle stop tour of the BIG hitters…

  • It’s not a great place to GROW your audience any more 

  • You’re hitching yourself to a marketing channel you have no control over - the algorithm could change tomorrow and your posts could stop reaching anyone, or your account could get hacked/ or impersonated.

  • It ties you to constantly creating content that has a shelf life of 48 hours tops!

So if you want to grow your business, even if you love being on IG every day, you need other ways of marketing and driving sales  - because there’s only so fast you can run on that one hamster wheel!

You need multiple hamster wheels working for you… with mechanical hamsters running on them - so that all you have to focus on is feeding those hamsters regularly… 

Taken the hamster metaphor too far? NEVER!!!   

Let’s touch on launching too - we all love the thrill and the buzz of a launch…

BUT when you start to rely on your next launch, and then the launch after that, and then the launch after that

You wind up in a VERY dangerous place that I call the launch cycle - where you effectively end up launching to a smaller and smaller audience each time you launch, and your launches get harder and harder work each time. 

So, what’s the alternative? 

The sustainable and automated way to do marketing and grow your business - I call this...


My sustainable, Freedom Friendly Marketing approach is made up of three parts… and it starts at the bottom with getting your sales funnel up and running like a well-oiled machine! 


At the bottom of your sustainable marketing funnel, you have your sales funnel.

A sales funnel is an automated system you put in place to serve your audience and drive sales without having to be there, in person hustling for every click, sign up and sale. 

The main component of a sales funnel is a series of automated email sequences that connect up with leadpages, lead magnets, webinars, sales pages etc.

The traditional sales funnel you’ll be aware of is where you…

  • Opt-in to receive a free offer (lead magnet)

  • You are then added to a segment on that business’ mailing list, which will trigger…

  • A series of emails that deliver a mix of value-based and sales messages that invite you to find out more and buy

Of course, a sales funnel doesn’t completely replace all of your marketing (if only) but it does go a long way to automating your sales and marketing.


Next up in your sustainable marketing funnel is…

Your website working for you as an automated audience building & sales machine.

Because P.S.A. - your website should be your business home on the internet. 

Not instagram, not a shitty lead page you created on canva to sell your course… your website. 

Your website is the marketing channel you are 100% in control of.

It’s the place where you can decide on the wallpaper, the floor plan, the curtains and how cosy it makes people feel when they arrive there. 

Your website needs to be the centre of your businesses universe, where all of your content lives as your go-to resource

AND… you need to set it up so it becomes an automated audience building & sales machine.

So you have a natural (but intentional) flow for your traffic from landing on your site to joining your mailing list (and going through your sales funnel), to finding out more about your offers… and buying.  

Setting up your website so that it does this is another incredibly clever way to automate your marketing leaving you WAAAAYYYY more headspace, time and energy for…


At the top of your marketing Funnel, you have your discover marketing. 

AKA how the heck people discover that your business exists in the first place, and then continues to see it pop up (adding to those all important 7-10 touch points our people need before they’re ready to buy from us). 

With the other parts of you marketing funnel largely automated… THIS is where the majority of your time and energy is spent -

filling up your marketing funnel with leads (AKA actual humans who love what you do and WANT to hear from you). 

Introducing the automated, freedom friendly marketing funnel - Josephine Brooks

How to FEED your sales funnel.

As we’ve established - when you have a Freedom Friendly Marketing system in place, rather than hustling away to drive sales, you can shift your focus to working on filling up your marketing funnel - and letting your automated sales systems do the rest. 

So, how do you feed your marketing funnel? Well you’ve got a few options…

Option 1: Hustling your butt off on social media, running launches and challenges 

PROS: A quick win, a great way to give your mailing list a boost and speed up the process of taking your subscribers from discovering your brand, to getting to know you, to becoming a client or customer. 

CONS: It’s ex-haust-ing, and it’s a hamster wheel of churning out content that has a shelf life of a couple-a days

Option 2: Running ads

PROS: It’s a quick and low-effort way to drive sales… asap

CONS: You need money, and lots of it to invest in ads. AND ads are only getting more expensive as it gets harder to accurately target your ideal audience. 

Option 3: Sustainable Marketing

PROS: It’s sustainable and feels good!  

This approach is about having an intentional, sustainable marketing strategy around creating evergreen content (I’m talking blogs, podcasts, YouTube videos, outreach) that drives traffic to your website, for FREE, on repeat, over time.


AKA you create a piece of content once (like this blog post) and it continues to drive FREE traffic to your website for months and years to come. 

Neat huh? So what’s the catch?

Well, I’ll tell you WHY a lot of people aren’t going this route…

CONS: It’s a long-game. It takes time to get the evergreen system driving the volumes of traffic you want to see. 

But you know what’s not sustainable… running on a hamster wheel to constantly create content with a 24 hour shelf life. 

So, which route will you take?

Indulge me for a second… as I bring you my latest metaphor

You could either…

Plant a seed EVERY WEEK, without fail and look at what looks like bare soil for a little while...

... but in a few months time you look around and realise, you’ve got an orchard of trees bearing fruit ready for you to harvest… KERCHING!

Or you could…

Nip to the shops EVERY WEEK and buy a bunch of flowers. It’s quick, it’s easy and you immediately have flowers to enjoy.

BUT it means you have to do this forever - because those flowers look great for a week… buuut then they die and need replacing.

Sustainable marketing is planting the seeds...

Relying on social media & ads for sales is buying the flowers...


Social media vs. evergreen marketing - Josephine Brooks

So, which route will it be? 

It could of course be a mix of all the above (for my clients it usually is).

BUT even if you want to continue launching and spending a lot of time on social media marketing - when you have your Freedom Friendly Marketing system in place, your marketing and sales becomes a WHOLE LOAD more automated and easeful. 

This is the sustainable and fulfilling (and introvert friendly) approach to marketing and sales - AND future-proofing your business so that it serves you for years to come.

I call this Freedom Friendly Marketing!

Want help setting up your Freedom Friendly Marketing? Here are all the ways you can work with me.


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The Automated, Freedom Friendly Marketing Approach - Because the social media hamster wheel will only get you so far… Josephine Brooks - Sustainable Marketing.png
The Automated, Freedom Friendly Marketing Approach - Because the social media hamster wheel will only get you so far… - Josephine Brooks.png

How To Use Instagram As A SUSTAINABLE Marketing Tool


You Need An Evergreen Sales Funnel ~ Here's Why