The New Email Rules ~ Made Simple & Un-Boring (ish)

What do you mean you read the words ‘upcoming changes to emailing rules’ and immediately zoned out? 🤷

JK 🤪

…who would blame you! Boring right? 🥱

Thing is… these email updates I'm about to tell you about are affecting your email deliverability from like… yesterday. 

Especially if your mailing list is larger than 5k subscribers. 

So if you haven’t made these tweaks yet 😬 - you’ll want to read on so you’re not putting your marketing emails at risk of ending up in the email graveyard 💀 - spam. 

So let me break it down for you and make it simples. 

To bring you up to speed...

🤓 Google & Yahoo are working to cut down on the volume of spam and shady emails you’re receiving. 

I don’t know about you but I’ve definitely noticed my inbox EXPLODING with dodgy looking emails over the last few months - so great, right?! 

Only thing is… this also affects YOU, as a business that’s sending marketing emails. 

So listen up, because you want to make sure your emails aren’t getting a black mark from Google and Yahoo 💌 (the platforms most of your subscribers will have their email on). 

Here’s your to-do list to stay in the email god’s good books 📝

1 | Verify your website's DNS records

Yeah… I don’t really know what that means either. 🤯

BUT I found a handy walkthrough video on my email marketing provider’s website that walked me through it step by step.

And honestly, it took less than 5-minutes. 

If you just type the name of your email marketing platform + 'DKIM verification' you’ll likely find a walkthrough article or video to help you get this done. 

Here’s some guides from the big names in email: 

2 | One-Click Unsubscribe

Y’know when you click unsubscribe and you have to jump through fifteen hoops

➡️ re-enter your email address

➡️ confirm you’re not a robot

➡️ enter the street you grew up on

➡️ and confirm you’re absolutely sure you want to unsubscribe… 

Yeah… that’s not going to fly with Google & Yahoo’s new rules. 

In fact, that kind of behaviour is going to get your emails penalised and affect your email delivery. 

You need a set up where, someone clicks unsubscribe in your emails… and they are immediately unsubscribed ✅ - no further hoop jumping required. 

The good news is, if your email marketing platform is one of the big hitters - they’re probably already allll over this. 

There’s a high chance you don’t need to do anything - but one to double check. 

3 | Clean Your Mailinglist

Google and Yahoo are going to be keeping a close eye on your spam score 👀

Which means you want to be doing everything you can to ensure great email deliverability. 

One thing that will help with that is cleaning your mailing list to remove dis-engaged subscribers and bots. 🤖

My blog post there 👆 walks you through the process and even comes with templates to help you set up a re-engagement campaign if you'd like to. 

Josephine Brooks with Laptop on a wooden table

I know this stuff can seem super boring 🥱 (let’s just be honest - IT IS boring).

But you know what’s more of a headache - your emails not delivering. 🤦‍♀️

Especially when email is that one platform that statistically out-performs any other marketing channel for sales.

So make it an action for today, and get. it. Done. ✅


This post was first shared with my email community. Subscribe below to


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The new email rules from Google & Yahoo made simple and un-boring (ish) - Josephine Brooks

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