3 Ways To Make More Sales From Your Emails

When compared to social media, direct mail and other marketing channels, email has the highest sales conversion rate - Data & Marketing Association.

I’ve definitely found that stat 👆 to be true for me and my clients.

Your email list is where people hang out when they’ve got to know, like and trust you.

AKA when they want to hear from you on the regular, and when they’re considering working with you.

But all too often you put email off… ammi rite?

They feel overwhelming to write (in comparison to creating a 7-second reel for Instagram) and other times you put too much pressure on yourself to create the perfect magazine style email.

Buuuut when you send emails… there’s a TON of low hanging fruit you can be picking (easy, quick actions to take) that will result in more sales.

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  • It’s time to put a pause on pressuring yourself to show up daily on social media and send an email or two.

    Some of my suggestions here for powering up your email sales will feel a little outside of your comfort zone to begin with.

    As much as these are the ‘easy, quick’ low hanging fruit things you can do to drive more sales with email, in a practical sense.

    Some of these actions are going to mean changing some of your habits with email. And that might take a bit of flexing your courage muscle before it starts to feel comfortable.

    I love email! Here’s why email marketing is the dream

    Your mailing list is a safe space.

    You're talking to a select group of people, your biggest fans, who want to hear from you, want to be in your space.

    That means you’re free to be a little more vulnerable and open than perhaps feels comfortable on social media when it’s going out to the whole internet.

    I love that with email, you're not having to fight with an algorithm to get your email seen. If someone has subscribed to your emails they're going to land in their inbox.

    Sure there’s the dreaded junk folder. But you’re writing great emails with great, non-spammy subject lines, right? So your emails should comfortably land in inboxes not junk.

    Rather than someone’s inbox deciding where to show your email in the huge amount of emails they have in their inbox. or whether to show your email to them at all. Like, ohhhh i don’t know, Instagram.

    So if you’re sending emails but they’re few and far between.

    Or if you’re sending brilliant emails that get lots of replies but no sales…

    …you need to be taking these three actions to power up your email sales.

    1 | Send more emails

    I know you don’t want to bombard people

    I know you don’t want to be ‘annoying’

    And you might be worrying about getting unsubscribes if you send too many emails.

    I get it - we’re conditioned to please everyone, feel uncomfortable about selling or talking about our offers. And unsubscribes (AKA rejection) feels painful.

    So I understand that sending more emails on the surface of it sounds easy, but I know it’s bringing up all of these worries for you.

    But what if you were to think of email in the same way as you di with social media?

    You know if you put 5 posts out on social media. 1 of your followers might see 1 of those posts, another person might see 2 or 3 on those posts.

    It’s unlikely that someone is going to see all 5 of your posts. Unless they are a mega-fan.

    It’s the same with email.

    If you send 5 emails, one subscriber might open 1 or 2 of those. Sure you might have a few mega fans who open and read every email.

    But most of your subscribers won’t read all 5.

    And even if they don’t open ANY of your emails. Your name appearing in their inbox is still doing a brand recognition building job.

    One of the biggest worries I hear from my Freedom Friendly Funnels students is…

    ‘I don’t want to bombard people with emails’.

    We’ve all been burned by signing up for something and getting a deluge of emails.

    In some cases when our email addresses have been sold to companies we have no interest in hearing from.

    We HATE those emails, and feel bombarded by then because we’re not interested in those emails.

    BUT if YOU are sending emails that are written for your audience, that serve, interest, educate, inspire your subscribers - they are not going to feel bombarded!

    If you’re sending a monthly email…

    Form what I’ve seen in client results, marketing results… sending a monthly email is rarely enough.

    Because if your subscribers are opening on average half or a third of your emails, that means they’re only hearing from you 4-6 times a year!

    If you’re sending monthly emails, I’d love for you to up the volume to fortnightly, or even better weekly.

    And when people do unsubscribe… they are simply not the right people to be on your mailing list.

    And if they unsubscribe when you send sales emails… they’re definitly not the right people to be on your mailing list because… REMINDER…

    …your mailing list is a marketing tool for your business. It’s there to nurture your audience and drive sales.

    2 | Sell more in your emails (& sell to your WHOLE list)

    I speak to a lot of business owners who give their subscribers the option to opt-out of recieving any sales messages.

    This comes from an icky feeling around sales…

    • From you as the business owner who believes their sales messages are awkward and not valuble to your subscribers (spoiler - if you’ve got the right people on your mailing list - selling to your subscribers is SERVING)

    • And your subscribers also have this association about reciveing sales messages. And so when asked if they want to opt-out of sales emails - of course they’re going to take that option.

    This comes back to what your mailing list is there to do - nurture your audience and drive sales.

    Your mailing list is a marketing tool. NOT a people pleasing tool.

    If your subscribers don’t want to receive your sales messages (then they’re probably not your ideal client), they can unsubscribe from your mailing list.

    Pleeeease don’t give your subscribers the option to opt-out of your sales emails.

    Either they’re on your list and they get everything, or they can unsubscribe.

    It’s about getting comfortable with selling in your emails, whether that’s…

    • Sending dedicated sales emails

    • Selling in the PS. Eg PS. if you’re ready to work with me here’s where you can learn more about XYZ.

    • Having a sales section in every email you send

    • Updating your subscribers on your availability

    • Giving your subscribers early-bird pricing for your course.

    Salling can feel super valuble to both you and your audinece.

    Remember that (if you’ve got the right people on your mailing list, your ideal clients) they are going to be interested in how you can help them with your paid offers.

    3 | EXPERIMENT with your subject lines

    Sure, your emails have a name and a tagline. GREAT!

    That’s what I’d always suggest.

    Let’s say your newsletter is called The Friday Fix.

    Because ‘newsletter’ doesn’t exactly sound exciting does it.

    But then what I see a lot of is people using the same subject line week after week.

    • The Friday Fix | March 12th

    • The Friday Fix #123

    • The Friday Fix - Issue 12

    Pleeeeease no.

    Problem is, those subject lines simply aren’t interesting or enticing enough to get as many subscribers as possible OPENING your emails.

    For example my emails are called …

    subscribe to...


    My agony-aunt style wisdom & guidance on growing a sustainable, flourishing business - delivered to your inbox every Monday.

    But I don’t send the subject as Ask Josephine | Issue 123 every week.

    Nope 🙅🏻‍♀️

    It’s not exciting or intriguing enough to entice enough of the busy people with a busy inboxes on my mailing list, to open my emails.

    When you start teasing what’s inside your emails.

    When you create relevant but ever-so-slightly cryptic subject lines for your emails - you’ll see a BOOST in ypur open rates.

    That means more eyeballs on your posts, more subscribers clicking on your loinks… more sales.

    So get experimenting and have a play with your subject lines.


    Wanna tuck this in your pocket for later? Pin it to Pinterest:

    3 ways to make more sales from your emails, Selling in your newsletter - Josephine Brooks

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